Sunday 15 March 2009

Moral panic on plastic

Just had my internal eco-warrier 'tut tutting' about the fact that my 'tortoise that cared too much' post mentioned that I brought my shopping home in plastic bags.

Now first of all I did use the evil plastic bag because I ended up buying more than I expected - five rolls of kitchen roll (recycled!) takes up lots of space (and I walked so I couldn't just chuck it in the boot of the car!). I did also use my Envirosax bag - which I love - but I only have one and normally this meets my plastic bag replacement needs (Chad does the main food shop and he ALWAYS uses his bags for life).

I actually bought Chad an Envirosax bag for Valentine's Day from a cool gift shop in Crouch End - so we actually have matching bags!!! I know passion is alive and well in my relationship.

Anyway I did use the bad plastic ones that live forever and strangle the tortoise's aquatic cousins, turtles, in the Pacific Ocean, and there will probably be a time when I will use the naughty plastic bags again. Anyway, I am sure that Envirosax will save the day and pacify my inner-ecowarrier as I use it more and more.


  1. Are 'bags for life' also made of the same evil plastic you refer to?

    Perhaps the Government should post all citizens an eco-friendly bag for Christmas. I hear the main thing blocking this is the lobbying strength of the plastic-bag manufacturing alliance; since the credit crunch, these plastic men have put all their proverbial eggs in the same plastic basket and are bulking up their bag manufacturing operations - can Envirosax compete with this made up force?

  2. Wow - I came across this blog of a lady who is trying to live a plastic-free like - amazing...

