Sunday 3 May 2009

Loved stuff: Kirstie Allsopp

I love Kirstie Allsopp and I am really excited about her shift from property guru into homemaker extraordinaire. I hope that this is a new track for her. We need a British 'Martha Stewart'.

She has a new show called 'Kirstie's Homemade Home' and I just love it. It's my perfect TV programme: property, interior design, arts and crafts and a splash of shopping plus The Allsopp. She has been making stuff for a property she has done up in Devon - I am really jealous as she has got to do glass blowing and a whole load of other things that I also want to do. I have been inspired by The Allsopp and intend to up my arts and crafting quota in 2009.

She is a wonder and I just love her, according to the Wikipedia entry on her (as a result of her family's peerage) she can be referred to as The Honourable Kirstie Allsopp - how fab and I couldn't agree more. She also gets to work with Phil Spencer (lucky lucky lady).

I don't think that she has a website or blog of her own - she definitely should.



    Hi. I Love Kirstie too. Iv'e met her a couple times and also Phil, and the great thing about them both is What you see is what you get, there both really down to earth people and really nice too, not stuck up or pretentious in any way unlike some.
    she does indeed have a website, just click on one of the links above.

    P.s I don't live in London, but Love London too, especially the pubs !!

  2. Also enjoying her new series - loved her new kitchen!

