Thursday 26 February 2009

Bridezilla in waiting?

Chad and I decided to get ‘civilised’ last February when we went away for a long Valentine’s weekend away in Copenhagen. So after of year of not doing much about it we have decided to seize the moment and 29 August this year is the day. We have a venue, a great place in Hampstead, and we have got the ball rolling on all the other bits. I am now really excited about it.

I have been to so many weddings in my life, I reckon approaching at least one hundred. Being the son of a vicar (and having once dated a hairdresser) I have been invited to many. I have also been a sounding board for many a future bride or groom over the years. So now it is quite weird making decisions (and having to think about paying) for our own.

Hopefully neither of us will turn into Bridezilla – the scaly green monster with no perspective that terrorises those around them in pursuit of the day perfect. Watch this space...


  1. What's the plural of Bridezilla? Is it Bridezilli? Or is it more appropriate to refer to a 'Gaggle of Bridezilla'? A troop, a herd? A pair?

    Because let's face it - there will be little perspective, and plenty of terror from both you and The Chad. I therefore will be cowering under my desk until the Big Day arrives. However, when it does come, I know it will be a fantastic - and long overdue - celebration of one of the best couples around.


  2. Should said creature(s) emerge, I shall take you both to the zoo and throw you to the gorillas, because b-movie knowledge tells us one thing: the only thing that can tame a zilla of any description is King Kong. ROAR!

