Tuesday 9 June 2009

Word from nowhere: Vomitus

I have worked in healthcare communications for a long time now but yesterday was the first time I have had to use the correct medical term for chundering (delightful).

Another favourite medical term of the same genre is 'Flatus'. Don't know what this is? If you had flatulance you would be passing a number of them!

Whoever said PR was glamourous didn't work in healthcare
PR ;+)


  1. I know exactly what you mean. Some days you find yourself writing and researching and talking so much and so in depth that you have to catch yourself to realize - wow, this is incredibly gross.

    We're saving lives, right? ...right??

  2. Right.

    I love working in healthcare communications as we are contributing to the greater good - whether that be by facilitating education of healthcare professionals or raising awareness of a disease for people who have it or the carers that look after them.

    Anyway I have to lie down now as my back is killing me from lugging heavy bags all over Milan having walked about 10 miles a day around a huge congress centre ;+)

