Thursday, 7 May 2009

Loved stuff: Burgers

I read a great article in USA Today on a flight back from a meeting in Germany. The basis story was that President Obama did a dash out the White House (followed by huge troupe of press) to grab a burger for lunch. It was a most amusing little story, very human and West Wing like.

I'm so pleased that Mr President is partial to a burger because I love them - it really is one of my most favourite things to eat. Even in a smart restaurant I will often opt for burger heaven. Anyway I'm not going to bleat on (I have had about five hours sleep the last two nights and I need to crawl into the sack) in this post, but I really do like the burger.

PS: One of the best burgers in London is served a one minute walk away from my office at the Camden Bar and Kitchen. The burger is homemade and it is totally delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Mmm.. burgers. We used to travel up from Hampshire to London when we were kids and always went to Ed's in Soho for their burgers.

    Onion rings, chunky chips, proper Heinz Ketchup and that mild American mustard. Oh yes.

