Monday, 22 June 2009

Crumptales: Hammer Cottage of Horror

The weekend in Shropshire was a source of inspiration for the old blog. Here is the third and final installment...

We stayed in a quaint little cottage which was on the Walcot Hall estate. It is called the Dipping Shed on account of the fact that they once dunked woolly beings in chemicals to keep them tick and flea free. It is suitably cottage like - just want us Londoners need from our weekends away.

However there was something very strange about this place...

Here is the cottage...
Here is the lovely view...
However, the interior was like the set of a b-movie horror film...

Then it got a whole lot worse...

1 comment:

  1. I love exotic things, like where this cottage is (ah, Moccona fake coffee, how I love thy ad).

    Freaky-looking house, but slightly cool at the same time

